Created by dentists, for dentists!
Patient files
Patient files which are a joy to work with, whether in traditional or paperless operations. Clear patient file information. No bulky, ugly interfaces. All general, dental, financial and medical information is neatly organized and intuitively accessible.
- Complete family management with coordinated data exchanges.
- Single-click attendance in terms of missed and canceled appointments.
Auto-management of intra-family insurance policy information.
Fully managed multiphase treatment plans with temporal dimension linked
to schedule.
Complete patient charting, compatible with voice-recognition software.
Direct link to digital imaging software.
- Reference
management for statistical revenue source analysis.
- Detailed initial and evolutive odontograms which are auto-updated after each billing session. No need for manual intervention
after billing.
- 3-D periodontal charts where you can see the depth of each individual pocket around each tooth, along with symptomatic
- Endodontic charts with exquisitely rich data collection at every step of the process, right down to a mesiobuccal
or distolingual nerve.
- Easy-to-use charting where staff can prepare charting and prescription entries which can then be vetted
and approved by the attending dentist, all in a completely paperless environment.
- Treatment plans are not just treatment
lists. Treatment planning means knowing when and how treatment provisioning is to be done.